» gpl Otro sitio realizado con WordPress Mon, 05 Mar 2012 11:44:37 +0000 en hourly 1 Cambio de licencia para RawTherapee (pasa a ser GPL) Fri, 22 Jan 2010 12:50:27 +0000 Moises Gallego raw therapee

Buenas noticias para el software libre, acabo de ver que el creador de la aplicación de procesado de ficheros Raw Gábor Horváth ha decidido licenciar la aplicación bajo GPL, con lo cual pasará a liberar el código de la aplicación y no los binarios como era hasta ahora.

Los motivos que aporta el creador es que quiere dedicarle mas tiempo a la parte de procesamiento de imagen dedicandole menos tiempo al GUI, el cual le absorve cada vez mas tiempo. También piensa que liberarando el código se agilizará el desarrollo y la eliminación de bugs.

I decided to change the license to GPL and thus offer the source code to the open source community. This does not mean that I stop developing RawTherapee. I will invest as much time into the development as till now. I have three motivations for this decision: first, I love playing with image processing algorithms but I’m not keen on GUI development. Recently a huge amount of work had to be invested to develop a usable GUI and I had no time left to play with new algorithms. I hope to involve some new developers who help me to maintain and enhance the GUI. The second reason of licence change was that I am very frustrated by the huge amount of bug reports I can not reproduce (believe it or not, RT is stable on my PC). I hope that with the open source model some talented users can identify the problems and fix the bugs. The third (but maybe the most important) reason of switching to GPL is that our baby reached the age (10 month old) when he needs his father more and more. I dont want to disappoint him :) . With more developers involved the development process will hopefully more smooth and wont stop when I am busy.

Aquí podeís ver la nota original completa en ingles sobre el cambio de licencia y la versión 3.0 Alpha

La verdad es que es una buena noticia que no se ve todos los días y es de agradecer. ¿Que os parece a vosotros?.

Via | Barrapunto

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